Description of algorithm
Full domain
  Ice concntr, edge pos
  Contingency tables
American sector
European sector
Asian sector

Validation of sea ice concentration - Full domain

Bulletin date: 2014-06-19


Data source: OSI SAF N.H. sea ice concentration

Sea ice edge length

Sea ice edge position bias

RMS, sea ice edge position

RMS, sea ice concentration

Model sea ice excess/deficit

Sea ice concentration difference, 2014-06-18

Best estimate vs. observations

Shaded regions have differences >0.25

Sea ice edge position map, 2014-06-18

Edge nodes from observations in blue, from model best estimate in black

Sea ice concentration difference, 2014-06-25

Best estimate vs. observations

Shaded regions have differences >0.25

Forecast vs. observations

Shaded regions have differences >0.25

Sea ice edge position map, 2014-06-25

Edge nodes from observations in blue, from model best estimate in black, from model forecast in grey

Generated by /metno/routine/sms/V2/xSIvalidation/ ma. 29. mai 23:28:04 +0000 2017 on arcmfcval

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